Se face ca dorm..pana cand suna telefonu(damn it).ora 8 si 2 minute,cargusu' are un colet pentru mine."Adu-l,Astronautilor 8 ap.16 :)".
De mai multa vreme tot spun ca trebuie sa imi fac un ritual de dimineata( some ways to restart my days ),si uneori il fac da cam incomplet.Aseara mi-am zis ca de azi dimineata incep (m-a inspirat aseara o tipa care isi incepe ziua prin creatie..isi picteaza visele,recomand link : ).Cand intru pe link,.."vrei sa te inscrii pt newsletter zilnic despre insiratie" bla bla etc.Ma inscriu.
Si daca tot m-a trezit cargusu',imi scriu telurile,dau drumul la pc,pe mail ce apare?!Beliefnet Inspiration Story "7 Ways to Restart Your Days".Intamplare?Coincidenta? Bullshit.(in timp ce scriu postu' ma gandesc dc tocmai 7-sapte cai,dc nu 10 sau 8 :-?? )
Deci pe scurt cele 7 cai,sper ca toata lumea intelege engleza:
1.As soon as the alarm rings..
Spend your first 15 seconds awake planning something nice to do for yourself today. This can really set you up in a good mood--even if it's just going by the farmers' market and getting fresh strawberries.
2.Get up.
The longer you lie there, the more you ruminate, the darker your outlook is likely to become,so get vertical and make a cup of coffee, take a shower, feed the cat...
Make that two glasses of water upon awakening, the time when our bodies are dehydrated,dehydration causes fatigue, which affects your mood.
4.Move it.
You already know the number one way of chasing away a bad mood: exercise. A workout at the gym sure helps. But even just a few minutes of movement--a fast walk, for example--raises energy and reduces tension.
When you're dogged by anxiety or the dread you woke up with, try to pinpoint what's causing it. Did someone say anything the day before? Do you have a meeting today you wish you didn't? Was it the dream you were having when the alarm went off? If you can figure out why you're upset, that's halfway to feeling better.
6.Be kind and thankful
This isn't exactly news, but generosity and gratitude are both big contributors to happiness.Do something nice for a stranger or friend and see if you don't feel better about yourself. Also, jot down three things that you're grateful for.
7.Laugh at yourself.
Look at your own life and try to appreciate the absurdity of what doesn't go exactly according to plan (the diets, the men, the buzz cut). Acknowledging how little control we actually have over what happens is sometimes a most freeing gift to yourself.
3 comentarii:
Am trecut pe la tine sa vad ce ai mai scris.
Am citit sfaturile alea si ,cand imi fac timp am sa incerc sa le traduc.Deci le copiez de la tine,sa stii.
Sa ai o zi frumoasa si azi si maine si poimaine etc.
Ma bucur ca ai trecut pe aici :) scurt tradus :
1.cand te trezesti sa planifici ceva bun de facut pt tine
2.Sa te scoli cat mai repede din pat,sa nu lenevesti
3.Sa bei 2 pahare de apa,ajuta la buna dispozitie oarecum
4.Fa miscare,chiar si o plimbare scurta
5.Daca te trezesti prost dispus sa incerci sa iti dai seama de cauza..deja te vei simti mai bine.
6.Fa un lucru bun unui strain sau unui prieten,te vei simti mai bine
7.Uitate la viata ta si incerca sa razi de momentele care nu iti ies tocmai cum ai vrut.
Radu,am sa traduc tot textuletul si-l voi posta in blogul meu.Bineinteles ca voi preciza sursa.
iti multumesc ca ai scris pe scurt despre ce e vorba.
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